Unveiled at the recent Tokyo Motor Show, the LF-30 Electrified concept embodies the Lexus Electrified vision. Its exterior projects the advanced, futuristic look expected of a BEV, while the interior has been designed to accommodate autonomous driving and other new technologies. This video offers a taster of the new concept car.
The color of the vehicle’s front face and luminescent patterns signal whether the car is operating in normal or autonomous driving mode, demonstrating Lexus’s desire to combine a high level of styling with functionality. The steering controller can be shifted forward out of the way during autonomous driving, adding to the open feel of the interior.
The LF-30 Electrified also features a Lexus Airporter drone support vehicle. Using autonomous control, the Lexus Airporter can carry out tasks such as moving luggage from a household doorstep to the vehicle’s load space.
The concept offers advanced driving support functions – Chauffeur Mode and Guardian Mode – based on the latest Lexus Teammate autonomous driving technology. Occupants can enjoy comfort and peace of mind during autonomous driving with advanced posture control technology being employed. Self-parking and a front door pickup function, in which the LF-30 Electrified autonomously moves from driveway to doorstep, provide an especially high level of convenience.